One of my favorite things to talk with people about is how they discovered or how they are in the process of discovering their life’s purpose.
See my post over at Jami Gold’s site to read what I went through to discover mine.
Long story short, by the time I hit my 30th birthday, I could already see my life’s path and it was going down a direction I never intended.
Since then, I’ve become passionate about helping other discover and hold true to their life’s purpose. One of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain who said:
“The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
What’s your why?
Maybe it’s writing. Maybe it’s going back to school to get the degree you should have gotten but didn’t due to X, Y, or Z. Maybe it’s something that terrifies and excites you all at the same time. (By the way, that’s how you know you’re on the right track.)
But once you figure it out, you can’t let it remain a dream you fantasize about.
Be Your Own Fairy Godmother.
The only way to turn dreams into reality (and there’s no magic wand here) is to set achievable goals and work towards them.
The Friday Dream Goals Challenge.
Will you join me?
Post in the comments below the ONE THING you are doing this weekend to work toward turning your dream into reality. Just ONE THING every weekend will soon have you running down the path to achieving your life’s purpose.
C’mon – it’s just one thing! It could take five minutes, it could take an hour. The important part is that you do your one thing!
To Participate in the Challenge:
- Enter your Dream Goal by Midnight Friday in the comments below.
- Return on Monday, reply to your Dream Goal comment, and let us know how you did!
- Sign up for my newsletter.
- Share this post with friends and family and ask them to support your dream by liking your comment!
Win a Conscious Ink Temporary Tattoo
On January 2, the person with the most goals posted and met will win this temporary tattoo from Conscious Ink. *In case of a tie, tied entries will be entered into a random winner generator.
Dream goal: be a huge diamond in Amway by this time next year. 1,000 people attending functions. This will create financial independence so I can spend time with my wife and kids with no distractions! I’m going to show people the plan!!
Hi Dustin!! I’m so proud of you and Amy – y’all are doing great things and impacting so many people. I love watching you two succeed!